Maximizing Your KKΨ Experience
by Zeb Watkins, Chapter Field Representative, KKΨ | I want you to stop for a second and think about yourself. Not your school, not your bands, not your chapter, but yourself. What are YOU getting...
by Zeb Watkins, Chapter Field Representative, KKΨ | I want you to stop for a second and think about yourself. Not your school, not your bands, not your chapter, but yourself. What are YOU getting...
by Jack Lee, National VPP, KKΨ | [dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #0099FF;”]A[/dropcap]ward winning cartoonist, Jules Feiffer, once presented a sketch that captures well the spirit of success. The cartoon begins with a man encountering...
by Adam Bates, National VPSA, KKΨ | [dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #0099FF;”]K[/dropcap]appa Kappa Psi has a lot of shiny jewelry. From our standard-issue Membership Recognition Pin to the beautiful and pricey Crown Pearl Badge,...
by Travis J. Cross, National VPPR, KKΨ | [dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #0099FF;”]P[/dropcap]laying in a college band leaves an indelible imprint on the life of everyone who takes advantage of the opportunity to participate....
by Christine Beason, National VPCM, KKΨ | [dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #0099FF;”]K[/dropcap]appa Kappa Psi is currently made up of 209 active chapters, each on a campus with unique and diverse needs. Every band program we...
by Adam Cantley, National President, KKΨ | [dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #0099FF;”]F[/dropcap]or someone who is a self proclaimed science and math nerd, I never expected to write over 20 articles for the Podium. This...