Monthly Archive: February 2012

Rising Up from the Ashes 0

Rising Up from the Ashes

 by Rachel Harmon, Musical Sisters United – Local Alumni Association (McNeese State University), TBΣ | [dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #0099FF;”]T[/dropcap]wo years ago my college sorority reached the end of its era. Alumni of the...


Building Your Priority Pyramid

by Chris Foster, Life Member, Tau, TBΣ | [dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #0099FF;”]W[/dropcap]e grow up with an idealized concept of what college life is supposed to be like.  We learn all about it from...


Sisters and Brothers In Song

 by Kaitlyn M. Galtere, Zeta Upsilon, TBΣ | [dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #0099FF;”]E[/dropcap]very fall, Vivace Productions, Inc. hosts the Annual Collegiate Marching Band Festival at Birney Crum Stadium, located in Allentown, PA. Over the...