the Podium Online Blog


It Takes a Village

Welcome to the Podium Online, the official Publication of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma. Here, we post articles from National Officers, our Board Members and students/alumni who contribute from across the country....

Bringing Bands Together 0

Bringing Bands Together

 by Travis J. Cross,  National VPPR, KKΨ | [dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #0099FF;”]P[/dropcap]laying in a college band leaves an indelible imprint on the life of everyone who takes advantage of the opportunity to participate....

Springtime in 2012 0

Springtime in 2012

by Jonathan Markowski,  National VPCR, TBΣ | [dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #0099FF;”]H[/dropcap]appy Spring! First off, let me remind everyone that the NEW deadline for Tau Beta Sigma scholarships and awards is just around the...