10 Ways to Support Music in Your Schools
Every March, schools across the nation dedicate lesson plans, programs, and projects to music education. National Music in Our Schools Month was established over 30 years ago, and is meant to raise awareness of the importance of music education for all students. It’s an opportunity for schools to put music at the forefront of their curriculum. Teachers across the country show how beneficial it can be for students to get a musical education, and it’s these educators and programs that Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma have to thank. Where would Brothers and Sisters be without our first band class, without our first concert, without the music we played?
This March, chapters should try to support local music programs as a service project. Here are ten ways to get involved.
Hold an Instrument Petting Zoo

An instrument petting zoo is an opportunity for children and students to touch, play, and hear musical instruments. By holding one of these, your chapter can bring your passion of music to the community. Try reaching out to a local elementary school to offer your services.
Attend a Band Concert

Is your local middle school holding a concert soon? Probably! Attend a band concert at a school in your area. When a student performing on stage sees a group of people cheering them on, it will make them feel good, and encourage them to stay in band. Feel free to talk to some students after the concert, too, and show them that band doesn’t stop after high school.
Invite Students to Watch Your Rehearsals & Concerts

If you have a concert coming up, invite students at high schools or middle schools in your area to attend! It could possibly be an extra credit opportunity too! If you don’t happen to have a concert soon, letting them attend a rehearsal could be a great learning experience as well. They can see how a college band program runs, and be inspired to continue with music after high school.
Create a Video Showing How Important Music is to You

We all love music, that’s why we joined Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma! Why do we love music though? What does music mean to you? You should answer these questions while making a video! Be sure to film bands rehearsing and performing, and tell us how music in education has impacted you?
Hold a Reading Band

Reading bands are opportunities to play new music. The best kind of reading bands are the ones you can have fun in. Select some music everyone agrees on, a variety of music, and play! What’s even more fun is if everyone takes turns conducting. Get behind the podium for once!
Have Music Shares

Is there a piece of music that really speaks to you? Is there a solo you’ve been working on? Share it with your chapter! When you hold a chapter meeting, set aside some time for brothers or sisters to share some music, whether they’re playing it or sharing a recording. If you want to take it a step further, record yourself performing this music and share it on social media!
Utilize Social Media

The National Association for Music Education are the founders of Music in Our Schools Month. They encourage people celebrating the month to use the hashtags #MIOSM and #MusicChangesLives. You can even change your profile picture to one of theirs!
Perform to the Public
Get a small ensemble together, and perform to the public. Maybe you can perform on campus, in a mall, or at a park. It could be a roaming pep band of sorts, or a mini symphonic band! Either way, it can be fun for your chapter, and be great for the community to see musicians in action.
Make a Donation

If your chapter has the resources, you can make a donation to an organization that supports music education, programs, or students. Whether you’re donating to a musical scholarship, a community band, or a school, contributing financially can help other organizations in many different ways. Maybe hold a fundraiser to make the donation!

If all else fails, you can always volunteer with schools, community bands, and local organizations, like a county arts federation. If they’re holding a concert or event, feel free to volunteer to put together seating arrangements on stage, clean up, or help with whatever they need.
How has your chapter supported music in schools? Let us know!